Fact – you have a ‘personal brand’. For some, it’s difficult defining what your specific brand is and how to develop/maintain it. Is it something we want to be, or something we just naturally are? We see influencers and celebrities talk about it all the time so it must be important right? So what does it take to create your very own personal brand? Here are the 5 ways to define your brand.

See also: 4 Ways to Improve Body & Mind
What Is It
Your personal brand plays a significant role in telling the world who you are and how you want to be perceived. Within the first five seconds of meeting someone new, judgments are instinctively made (whether we want to admit that or not). Your credibility, likability, professionalism, and attractiveness are all assessed by the receptive brain, which then determines how you’re going to interact (or not interact) with someone new.
Your initial introduction to others should consistently convey all the key information that will show who you are, and promote a desire for your audience to want to learn more. Keep in mind that confidence is always key. If you miss the mark, then you’ll run into the issue of miscommunication which often sabotages any business or personal contacts you desire.
Your Why
The reason you need to brand yourself with one aligned image is so that everyone gets the same impression of you. Establish an authentic and polished impression. Personal branding is about managing your name – even if you don’t own a business. We live in a world of misinformation, disinformation…and Google.

This is where most people fail. They start off with a bang and then get busy with other priorities. Whether you want to partake in the social media world or not, it exists and it’s not going anywhere. Because of this fact, you must be present in the digital world. Put some effort into your online brand. 90% of the entire millennial population owns a mobile device and creeping has quickly become the most favourite pastime of the 21st century.
You need to take some time every week to update your social pages. Show that you are committed to building a brand that reflects a modern, knowledgeable, forward-thinking lifestyle. Spending 20 minutes every day building your brand through emails, social media, etc. will go a long way with your personal brand strategy. Build connections, build your follower base, and build your reputation. Keep in mind that your social connections are your power.
Think Big
Whether you already see yourself as a well-mannered, well-branded individual, there is no harm in keeping yourself focused on “what’s next”. You will always, always learn new things from others – so don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Surround yourself with top-notch people, and remember to have the confidence to reach out to your role models. If you study the network of successful friends and leaders in your niche, you’ll find mentors that help to build you up. This is how you learn. This is how you grow.

Stay On Message
Treat your personal brand the way companies treat their corporate brands. The reason brands like Gucci, Versace or Mercedes are held in such high regard is because they figured out their product value. Then they matched their messaging to always convey what they wanted to be imprinted in your mind (i.e Luxury, high value, elite, prominence, and highly desired). Perception can be everything – in both good and bad ways.
In an age where we define and craft our personal identity more and more, it makes you think – what image am I projecting to the world? You are your very own brand, and promoting the right brand begins with a healthy self-perspective. Our personal brands must always be a true reflection of who we are. Know yourself first, and decide how you want the world to know you.
Always elevate your style of life.
Credit feature image to Avi Richards