As the weather changes and days seem shorter, it can be easy to revert into hibernation mode. With the sun starting to set as many people are just ending their workday, exercise (or even just getting out of the house) can start to feel more like a chore. Don’t worry – the good news is, there are ways to revamp your exercise routine to stay motivated as the seasons change.
Workout Buddy

Having a partner to work out with can help hold you accountable. You’re more likely to stick to a routine if someone else is depending on you and has the continued encouragement and motivation to keep you going. Working out with a partner can spark natural competition and allow you to push yourselves for a better workout.
Adjust with daylight
As the days get shorter, your preferred workout time may change. If you’re finding it difficult to get out of bed in the dark, let alone exercise, try switching it up to find the time of day that you feel the most motivated – even if it’s just a quick workout like using Planet Fitness’ 30-Minute Express Circuit. Some gyms are even open 24/7, so if you’re losing that morning or evening motivation, switch it up and go at a different time than you ever thought would work for you!
See also: 4 Ways to Stay Focused
Change it up
The changing of the seasons is a great time to mix up your workout routine and try something new. Maybe there’s a piece of equipment you’ve been curious about, or you want to focus more on cardio, stretching, etc. Experimenting with different workouts and equipment will keep things interesting and fresh. This is sure to help you through the colder weather blues.

Mix in some at-home workouts
If the rain or snow is going to prevent you from getting to the gym, try having a few at-home workouts on-hand so you can still get your sweat on. Try a free fitness app, such as The PF App, for inspiration and trainer-led workouts that can be done anywhere.
Get creative
The colder seasons offer all sorts of activities that allow you to exercise without a formal workout. Raking leaves and shovelling snow are great ways to get your heart pumping and your muscles working. Or, start working those arm and leg muscles at the gym before seasonal yard work and shovelling to prevent injury.

Keeping a workout regimen as the seasons change can be challenging. Changing up your routine is a great way to stay motivated and make the workout more enjoyable. Make it as easy for yourself as possible by adjusting to the changes and prioritizing your health and fitness – while enjoying the changing seasons.
Feature image credit Anastase Maragos