As the calendar flips the script to a new month and summer is only a handful of weeks away, it can be easy to get lost in the commotion of life. If you’re looking to finally move yourself forward, you’re going to have to do the work and put in the time. You will have to build out a strong foundation and that starts with 5 things you need to hear today to get yourself moving in the right direction.
Comfort Is Your Enemy
Remember a time when you worked so hard, with such ferociousness to get something you really wanted? Whether it was a promotion or winning a competition, the hours you put in and the mental grind it took to get you there were the best you’e ever performed. Now consider that after you got to that desired outcome, you’ve now taken your foot off the gas pedal. Complacency is your worst enemy. Get too comfortable and opportunities pass you by because you don’t have that same killer instinct anymore.
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The Right Decision Doesn’t Always Feel Good
You finally broke up with that toxic partner of yours. Or you finally resigned from a job that leaves you always feeling dejected. Cause for celebration? Sure. Does it actually feel good? Sometimes no. Which is why you shouldn’t entirely gauge whether the right decision is in fact, the right decision, based on how you feel about it afterwards. Easier said than done, you need to consider, preferably from an unemotional and logical perspective whether a decision is in your best interest even if it means you will feel negative about it. From that lens, you are more likely to make better decisions for your present and your future.
You Are The Obstacle
Get out of your own way. Don’t let life pass you by while you’re making plans for it. It can be very easy, and in a strange way, comforting, to find reasons for why you shouldn’t do that thing you’ve always wanted to do. Generally speaking, those excuses are how we give up before we started. We tell ourselves that this is how the deck is stacked against us and so it’s not worth it and really, who would blame us for not trying. All sound familiar? Get out of your own way.
Work On Yourself
Spend the time. Invest the dollars. Cultivate the relationships around you. You will need to put in the time to learn about your flaws, your biases, your weaknesses. Do you lack knowledge in something that you want to improve on? The internet is available 24/7 with loads of free resources on any subject matter. Need to take time to grow your mental strength, unplug from relationships that bring you down. You are your number one priority. Remember that.
Focus Less On Others
External validation is great isn’t it? The likes, the follows, the compliments. It’s intoxicating, addictive. But destructive all the same. You can work as hard as you want, but if how you feel about your results is determined by the personal opinion, inherent biases, and general emotion of the day of another human being, you are doomed to fail before you started. Humans by nature judge and compare and you will be judged and compared to whatever is ‘better’ in their exclusive opinion. It’s a moving target that you can never hit and will leave you dejected. The only person you need to prove anything to is yourself.
Feature image by Karmishth Tandel