As Mother’s Day comes and goes, we often get busy trying to find the right bouquet of flowers, the right gift or that reservation at the little Italian spot moms seem to always like. That is all great and if you’ve spent the time and effort making this day special, good on you, because she deserves it.
Now, you know those other 364 days of the year? Well, don’t forget to thank your mom for all of those as well. See gentlemen, with so much focus and emphasis on our fathers and how they either helped us become the men we are or unfortunately in some cases made our lives more difficult, we often forget the role our mothers played in all of this. They, after all, are the reason I’m alive to write this and you’re alive to read this.
See also: 5 Things You Need To Hear Today
Redefining Momma’s Boy
Let’s get one thing clear and simple. Any partner you take on that doesn’t appreciate your connection and your bond with your mother is not worth your time. Nobody is saying you have to be glued to your mother as if she’s still picking out your school outfits. However if you need to run errands for her, take her out for quality time, call her on some regular basis, then you do that. Because one day, you may have children and you will want your children to have that bond with their mother.
Pick Up The Phone
You’re busy. We get it. Work, side hustles, that new spicy senorita, all valid reasons to be pre-occupied. But a simple phone call goes a very long way. “Hi mom, how are you? How are you feeling today, can I do anything for you?” Not that hard. Also, no texts. You text your friends, you text your partner, you call your mother.
Gentlemen, remember that nobody will understand who you are, or will look after your best interests more than your mother will. And yes, there are some out there that aren’t exactly angels, some that try but don’t do a great job or the person you affectionately call mom is not your biological mom. All of that can be true, but ultimately, nurture that relationship. Feed it and take care of it. It’s probably one of the most important ones you have.