Most people who make a lasting impression on us don’t look like an absolute mess. We remember people who look well put together, and it’s not a one-time thing. Despite their busy schedules, they manage to look that way all the time.There’s no doubt about it, this doesn’t happen by chance. Grooming is one of the key routines to keep us looking right and at our most attractive. It requires effort and commitment. Here are 4 grooming habits to keep you at your best.
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Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate
Scientists recommend exfoliating 2-3 times a week, and not just regulated to your face but the entire body. Exfoliation removes the skin’s dead skin cells and goes a long way in preventing breakouts as well. Exfoliating your skin at least twice a week will ensure it looks and stays healthy. There are a plethora of good quality skincare products available in the market – all you have to do is find one for your skin type.
Signature Scent
You don’t have to smell like you walked through and sampled every scent on the perfume floor (actually please don’t). However having a signature scent is a great way of standing out and being remembered. If you are not into colognes there are a ton of natural oils and scents that pair well for males and you can choose your own unique scent. Scents are seasonal so what works in warm weather might be ineffective during winter so be aware. Keep in mind just because it smells great on someone else, doesn’t mean it will work with your natural pH, so do a little research.
See Your Dentist
Yes, a healthy mouth is a healthy body and a key part of grooming. Brushing and flossing twice a day is important to keep your mouth fresh but that visit to your dentist every 6 months ensures that mouth health stays pristine and you don’t develop any issues that might lead to tooth decay and bad breath.
Don’t Forget Your Feet
Thankfully more men are realizing that a pedicure is not just for the ladies, and shouldn’t be a once a year event. It’s a consistent effort. Scrubbing your feet, trimming your nails and keeping them clean reflects great personal hygiene. It’s a part of our body so some love and care can only benefit them as well as keep us looking our best when we have to present bare feet.
Elevate your style of life.
Feature image by Safia Shakil