In this week’s episode, the gents sit down with Diogo Neves, also known by his artist name D-Snow (Diogo Snow)! An innovative artist with a distinctive passion for what he does, we’ve always been excited whenever a project of his drops.
Wearable NFT
What he was wearing around his neck is what instantly caught our attention. Diogo came sporting his newest collection: a 1-of-1 wearable NFT. He’s planning on releasing 100 ArtGangWorld NFT very soon, and with each purchase, you will receive a white gold chain made by Kilani, along with an apple watch that displays the NFT.
Having discovered singing early, Diogo succeeded as a musician before finding art. It’s impressive to see such a talented artist and hear that being an artist wasn’t always his dream. He’s a real-life example of how you can discover a love for a new hobby at any time in your life. Being the formidable storyteller that he is, hearing him tell the story of how he painted a Lamborghini upside down for Art Basel was terrific. Watching him retell the story and seeing the joy of what it feels like to see your vision finally come to fruition after everyone called you crazy and said you couldn’t do it… is simply inspiring.
See Also: Gent’s Talk: Ep 10 – A Sit-Down w/ Karl Wolf
Diogo Snow + #ArtGang
Tune into Episode 11, where Diogo talks about his no-matter-what mindset that has been the catalyst to his success. He truly believes he has to do everything he puts in his head. “Even if I fail, at least I tried”
About Gent’s Talk
Gent’s Talk is available on Youtube and Spotify! Episode 11 of Gent’s Talk is presented by Bulova Canada and is filmed at StartWell Studios in Toronto. Thank you for continuing to support us throughout this journey!