32 posts
Gent’s Talk: Episode 4 – Dating & Relationships

We’re back with another episode of “The Gent’s Segment”! In Ep. 04 of Gent’s Talk, Samir, Ayman, and Matthew take a seat to discuss relationships. We’ve all had our share…
Self-Care is How You Take Power Back
Self-care is the best care. While it’s essential for us to carve out time and take better care of ourselves, many of us neglect this critical time because we are…
5 Rules To Become Your Best Self
Everywhere you look these days, the side hustle has become glorified. If you’re not working 4-5 different gigs, you must be lazy or unmotivated. Every social media app now plasters…
4 Reasons Why Being Vulnerable Doesn’t Make You Weak
Every day throws us a new challenge. Whether it’s at work, in your platonic friendships, in romantic relationships, in family, and more. It can be challenging to balance it all,…
Letter From The Gents: Don’t Forget To Thank Your Mom
As Mother’s Day comes and goes, we often get busy trying to find the right bouquet of flowers, the right gift or that reservation at the little Italian spot moms…
5 Things You Need To Hear Today
As the calendar flips the script to a new month and summer is only a handful of weeks away, it can be easy to get lost in the commotion of…
Self-Care For The Modern Man
As the world is starting to make a much-needed shift towards focusing on mental health awareness, the term self-care has begun to flourish. We all know that we need to…
The Modern-Day Man Cave
We work all day and we’re stressed. With all the hustle of an over-flowing workweek, we’re still struggling to help provide for our families. We often lose track of the…
“Be a Man” and Cry
Picture this, you’re walking down the street and get approached by a group of unsavoury looking individuals who end up roughing you up. You put up a good fight, unfortunately…
5 Ways to Know You’ve Grown
When was the last time you took a pulse check on yourself? What was the moment that pushed you into adult territory? Maybe it’s happening right now…or maybe it hasn’t…