It’s been a hot summer, and thankfully we’re allowed outside! Isn’t it crazy how it’s been so long since we’ve had a “real” summer, but at the same time, it feels like it hasn’t? Enjoying concerts and festivals and hanging out with friends again felt incredible. Plus, we got to meet new people again! With the humidex beginning to lower and the temperature starting to drop, this is the time we begin to hibernate, which generally results in drinking less water. It’s easy to drink water when it’s scorching outside, but now that autumn is approaching, let this be the official reminder to maintain that momentum and stay hydrated.

To maintain optimal health, one must drink 2-4 litres of H20 daily. Yes, that’s every single day! Easier said than done, but that’s why we set goals.
Can You Drink Too Much Water?
We know we cannot live without water, but drinking too much can also wreak havoc on our brains and body. Drinking more water than our kidneys can process can throw blood sodium levels out of balance. It’s difficult to drink too much water by accident, but it’s defined as water intoxication (or hyperhydration) when too much is swallowed. In extreme cases, it can cause brain damage, comas, and even death. A simple method to determine if too much water is being ingested is by checking the colour of urine. If the pee is often clear, that’s a sure sign too much H20 in a short span has been consumed.

We need to drink lots of quality H20, but drinking too much can be just as detrimental as not drinking enough. We should always listen to our bodies to ensure we’re staying hydrated. A good practice is to sip water throughout the day versus waiting until dehydration sets in and gulping down a whole bottle of water.
See Also: 4 Ways to Improve Body & Mind
Set Achievable Goals.
Let’s aim to drink 3L of water. As with all goals, there needs to be room for failure. If 3L is the intended result, and only 2L has been consumed, that’s still a win; all wins should be celebrated! Aiming for 3L a day allows us to be realistic with our goals and, at the same time, gives room for successful failures.
Counting how many bottles and/or glasses of water often leads to getting confused and losing motivation. Instead, try having a large bottle (1L and 1.5L) that can stay within arm’s length. Remembering to refill a 1L bottle two or three times is a lot easier than trying to remember to drink a 500mL water bottle 4-6 times, and having to drink two bottles is a lot more accessible than having to drink six. When simplifying our goals, sometimes, we just have to trick our brains!
Cheers to hydration.
Feature image by Nigel Msipa