A first date is an exciting adventure, but preparing for one can be rather exhausting. They’re hard because of the added stress of impressing your date in order to get a second one. To add to the pressures, studies show that what we’re eating on (or before) our date is a big factor. So with the help of experts at Chef’s Plate, we’re here to discuss the 4 types of food to eat on a first date.
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Foods to Keep you Calm and Relaxed
To help calm your nerves, it’s best to eat foods rich in dietary fibre. They can help you feel calmer, which can help reduce the inflammation in the brain linked to anxiety. Opting for plant-based foods such as lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, and grains can help you in that department.

According to celebrity dating guru James Preece: “It’s a good idea to eat a little dark chocolate before you go out on a date. That’s because it’s a great source of tryptophan, which causes the brain to release relaxing, feel-good chemicals such as serotonin. Alternatively, a cup of green tea can help calm you down before you head out.”
Foods to Freshen Your Breath
Having bad breath is a red flag – in fact, studies have shown that 28% of Canadians would not be interested in continuing a romantic relationship with a person who has bad breath (Research Co.). It’s suggested to opt for crunchy fruits and vegetables. Chewing on carrots, peppers and cabbage, for example, activate the salivary glands, which will help clean out the smelly bacteria in our mouths.
First Date Foods For Clear Skin
We’ve got to look our best on a first date and showing up with hydrated skin sets the tone! Regularly eating juicy food like grapes, passion fruit, and soybeans can help boost skin hydration and brightness, thanks to bioactive compounds like vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene.
Unfortunately, this isn’t a quick fix, so please incorporate these into your diet 8-12 weeks before the big day. Yes, this sounds like a lot of time, but isn’t it always better to be prepared? Besides, we need to eat for skin benefits regularly, not just because of an upcoming date.
Foods to Line Your Stomach
Dates often involve adult beverages, so eating a substantial meal is of utmost importance. Healthy fats like salmon/avocado are good to eat because they slow the rate alcohol is absorbed into the system. To still feel light and stay energized, adding some greens and potatoes with healthy fats is suggested.

And there you have it; the results are in! The best meal to eat before, or during, a first date is salmon, crunchy vegetables and healthy grains (couscous, to be specific). Cheers to date number two!
Feature image credit Hitesh Dewasi