Everywhere you look these days, the side hustle has become glorified. If you’re not working 4-5 different gigs, you must be lazy or unmotivated. Every social media app now plasters the million different ways you will make a million bucks. Just follow these ten steps, subscribe to this person’s channel, sign up for their course, and voila, you are now drinking exotic coffee in some exotic location. Essentially, it’s hustle porn.
See also: 4 Reasons Why Being Vulnerable Doesn’t Make You Weak
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, it should be clear that there isn’t anything necessarily wrong with having multiple sources of income. In fact it’s a really good thing. It gives you options and flexibility to make life decisions with more freedom. But all too often the narrative around it can create a sense of dread and self-loathing for not doing ‘enough’. So with that being said, the gents at Gent’s Post wanted to give you a list of 5 rules to live by that will help you become your best self! And no, you don’t need to sign up for a course.

Invest in Yourself
Take the time to figure out what your passions are and invest in those. Alone time can be a wonderful thing, it’s when you can do your reflecting, your reading, your podcast listening and so on. If you’re interested in making a career change, put the time and effort in to learn, study, grow. This will prepare you for the next part of your journey.
Stop Comparing Yourself
Listen, we all do it. Anyone who says they don’t is lying to you and themselves as well. Sometimes your mind wanders and you see that IG post of someone flexing with their new whip or first class airline seats. It can be frustrating. Truth is, you’re getting a snippet of their life, the one they worked hard to curate for you to see. Also, your mind is your worst enemy in these moments. Learn to focus on the positives in front of you which brings us to our next point…
Appreciate What You Have
It’s easy to see all the things you don’t have. The house, the car, the partner, the money, the job, the clothes, the toys, the etc etc etc. It could go on a while. But what you should really be doing, is focusing on your positives. Write down all the things you are grateful for. That relationship with your siblings, maybe you have a career you enjoy? That trip to Bali is coming up and you’re stoked about it. Write them down, you’ll realize how many good things you have going for you.

Your Support System
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going right? Well it’s not always that way and sometimes you need a hand. Nothing wrong with that at all. That is where your support system comes in. When was the last time you took stock of who you surround yourself with? If you had an emergency, who would you call? Can you lean on that person and tell them you’re struggling? Having a strong reliable support system is a key pillar to a successful life. For the gents, that especially means having other great men in your life to support you, motivate you and hold you accountable.
Move On
Usually the best is saved for last but in this case it’s the hardest. Move on. You know what we’re talking about. Move on from that grudge. Whatever it is. Passed over for promotion, ex-partner screwed you over ten years ago and you’re still bitter. Move on. It’s not easy by any stretch of the imagination. But it’s mandatory. You must do it. Why? Because it is the biggest internal struggle that is holding you back. Face your demons, use your support system, invest in yourself to learn how to do this, and learn to appreciate the good things you have.
Feature image by Paul Gilmore