The truth can be a hard pill to swallow. We can romanticize parts of our lives but really and truly, life will put out what you put in. There is no lottery ticket waiting to change your life. You won’t just wake up one day several pounds lighter and emotionally intelligent unless you put in the work. It’s not easy, it sucks more often than not and you will probably fight yourself along the way. But in the end, you will thank yourself for doing it all and won’t be able to imagine a lesser life. This is why, it is time to accept these five uncomfortable truths.
See also: 3 Steps to Get Your Fitness Back in Order
Happiness Is On You
So often, our happiness is predicated by someone or something. Our happiness is reactionary to some external force. All too common are words like “happiness is on you” and while true, in practicality it is a lot harder than it looks. But it is the truth. One of the hardest lessons you will learn is that you need to build a life where the things that make you happy are first and foremost a product of what you do and don’t do. Whether that’s reading, working out, painting, or anything for that matter, it’s on you to figure out what makes YOU happy and pursue it.

Relationships Define You
“Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” – heard that before? Your inner circle influences you in more ways than you realize. If the people you spend most of your time with don’t support you, encourage you, push you or motivate you, it’s time to let them go. Yes, that means the nostalgic relationship you hold onto with that friend from college or university may have to go. The most successful entrepreneurs always talk about having people around them who motivate them to do better, be better. It’s time to take stock of your circle.
You Are What You Eat
Long day at work, tired, stressed, don’t feel like making dinner? We’ve all been there and with the convenience of a few clicks, you’ve got food at your door. Except here is the uncomfortable truth, the meal we crave is often the most detrimental to our health. Fast food, processed food, all of that crap (let’s call it what it is) is hurting you. When you feel like crap it’s because you are eating like crap. You are what you eat. It’s not easy to turn that around when it’s convenient, but you have to start before your health pays the price for it.
Quitting is OKAY

Quitting is for losers. Except, it’s not is it. Growing up, I can confidently say that a parent, a school teacher, a coach maybe, have all said to us that you don’t quit. You push through whatever roadblock is in front of you. Interestingly however, talking to many successful entrepreneurs and life coaches shows a shift is happening. You don’t have to bang your head against the wall if something is not working. If that business idea is not what you thought it was and you want to quit, so be it. You’re not a loser for quitting, you are courageous for daring to build. Quitting can be as simple as realizing that something is not for you and deciding to move on. Isn’t that an example reason for why people leave relationships?
Closure is up to you
For far too many, and for far too often, life throws you a curveball when you least expect it and the hardest part is never finding out why. Whether you’ve been ghosted, broken up with, fired, or someone you love dies, very rarely do we get the closure we seek. With that being said, closure is not external validation or reasoning. Closure is very much you reconciling what you are feeling. Feel your emotions, go through the ups and downs it comes with, but most importantly, learn to let it all go. Closure starts and ends with you and you alone. Do the work, build your resilience, and most importantly, give yourself credit for how hard it all is.

Feature image credit by Zac Durant