As the epic saga of The Rings of Power continues to unfold, Season 2 (releasing on Prime August 29) promises to delve even deeper into the complex relationships and evolving dynamics among Middle-earth’s beloved characters. Among the most intriguing is the bond between Elrond, the half-Elven diplomat, and Durin IV, the sturdy Dwarven prince. Actors Robert Aramayo (Elrond) and Owain Arthur (Durin IV) share insights into their experiences portraying these legendary figures in an interview with me for Gent’s Post and the unique challenges that come with their roles.
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A moment of reflection for Elrond and Durin IV
Reflecting on the moment they learned they’d been cast in such iconic roles, both actors expressed a mix of excitement and disbelief. Owain Arthur, who plays Durin IV, recalled, “I was just excited to be working, I’m not gonna lie… And when I found out that I was gonna be playing a dwarf, I was double excited because it’s something I have never done before.” The opportunity to step into the world of Tolkien was a dream come true for Arthur, who relished the chance to don prosthetics and embody the physicality of a Dwarf.
Robert Aramayo, who portrays Elrond, shared a similar sentiment. He described the moment as a “dream come true,” particularly because of his longstanding admiration for Tolkien’s works. “I’ve always loved Lord of the Rings… So it was a real dream come true.” Aramayo also spoke about how his relationship with Elrond deepened as he began to explore the character’s history and the rich lore of Rivendell, adding layers of complexity to his portrayal.
The process of getting into character, particularly with the extensive use of prosthetics for Durin IV, was a challenge that Arthur embraced. He recounted the experience as “quite excruciating,” spending entire days in the makeup chair to perfect Durin’s distinctive look. Despite the physical demands, Arthur found joy in the transformation, which allowed him to fully immerse himself in the role.
The relationship between Elrond and Durin IV is one of the central themes of The Rings of Power Season 2. The actors revealed that their characters’ bond, which was already strong in the first season, is further explored and tested as they navigate new challenges. Arthur noted, “We were navigating all the challenges and all the great things… so it’s like, yeah, we felt a special bond with each other.” This connection is evident not only in their on-screen chemistry but also in the close friendship the actors developed off-screen.
Rings of Power Season 2
Season 2 brings with it a shift in tone and pace, and both Aramayo and Arthur are excited for fans to witness the evolution of their characters. Aramayo mentioned, “I think the whole season is, the pace of it… there’s a sort of looming danger, and then this season, it’s out on Front Street.” This change in narrative allows audiences to see more of the political maneuvering and personal struggles that define Elrond and Durin IV.
One of the most rewarding aspects of portraying Elrond and Durin IV has been the opportunity to spar with legendary actors and bring to life the rich, textured world of Middle-earth. Robert Aramayo spoke about working with Peter Mullan, who plays King Durin III, describing him as “one of the most generous actors you’ll ever meet.” Their scenes together were marked by a sense of spontaneity and intensity, which Aramayo found exhilarating.
Elrond’s moral compass
The actors also discussed the depth of the characters they portray and the internal struggles that define them in Season 2. For Elrond, much of the challenge lies in navigating his moral compass and the weight of his responsibilities. “Elrond’s moral compass is really challenged here in this season,” Aramayo explained, highlighting how the character is pushed into difficult decisions that test his integrity and beliefs.
Similarly, Durin IV faces his own set of challenges, particularly in balancing his loyalty to his people with his friendship with Elrond. Arthur emphasized the importance of portraying the fragility of Durin’s abilities, especially in moments where the character’s vulnerability is on display. “I wanted to… show the fragility of his abilities in certain moments,” Arthur said, underscoring the complexity of Durin’s character.
As the interview concluded, both actors reflected on the deep bond they share, not only as characters but as friends. This camaraderie has been a cornerstone of their performances, bringing authenticity and emotional depth to their scenes together. The journey of Elrond and Durin IV in The Rings of Power is one of discovery, conflict, and ultimately, friendship—a journey that continues to captivate audiences as Season 2 unfolds.